Asiatic Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) is a silent assassin, albeit a beautiful one. This invasive, non-native killer is forming much of the yellow that we see in our trees now.

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Those trees are its victims; they’re helpless as the Bittersweet squeezes them to death, winding its way like a python up toward the light. Even mighty spruce trees are being victimized.

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The State of Maine has acknowledged that this nuisance is too far-gone to be eradicated; it grows too fast and is propagated too widely by birds that eat its beautiful berries.

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But, the State has listed it as an invasive species that may not be sold or distributed here. There is a native version, aptly named American Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens), that is environmentally innocuous. But, that’s another story. (Brooklin, Maine)
